AOGCC Carbon Capture Class VI Program Quick Navigation What is a Class VI Well? Public Comments Additional Resources CCUS Events and Outreach Notice of Award Summary Contact Us What is a Class VI Well? Class VI wells are used to inject carbon dioxide (CO2) into deep rock formations. This long-term underground storage is called geologic sequestration (GS). Geologic sequestration, as part of carbon capture and storage (CCS), is a technology that can be used to reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere and mitigate climate change. Possible sources of CO2 for GS include CO2 captured from point source emissions, such as from an industrial facility (e.g., steel and cement production) or energy production (e.g., ethanol, hydrogen production, or power plants), as well as CO2 captured directly from the atmosphere (EPA - What is a Class VI Well?). CCUS Events and Outreach Utqiagvik: March 3, 2025 at 6:00PM Located at the Inupiat Heritage Center, Multi purpose room. Doors open at 5:30pm Join the Alaska Center for Energy and Power and partners for a town hall event where you can share your thoughts and learn about CCUS. Find out how Alaska’s geology and regulation framework might allow for carbon storage projects that support cleaner energy. Speakers from state and federal agencies will explain their roles in managing these projects. There will also be time for you to ask questions! Public Meeting Notice Public Scoping Hearing Comments Public Comments ASRC Santa Claus Santos SRC Steve Schmitz Center for Biological Diversity 350org_Letter re CCS_2021-07-19 AFN Resolution 23-01 AK DEC_CWA Sec. 404 Dredge and Fill Permitting Program Development AK DFG_Overview_ Wildlife Conservation Division, Alaska Department of Fish and Game AK DFG_Permafrost AK DNR (2022) Seismic Hazard Considerations for Carbon Sequestration in Alaska AK DNR_Analysis and Proposed Decision TAPS Right of Way AK DOG_HB 50 CCUS Bill One-Pager 2.1.2023 AK Leg Finance Div (2023) The Fiscal Year 2025 Budget AK SHSC_Earthquake Risk _ Alaska Seismic Hazards Safety Commission Al-Traboulsi et al (2012) Potential Impact of CO2 Leakage Brooks_Understaffing_Alaska Beacon CAN (2021) Position CCUS CIEL (2021) Confronting the Myth of Carbon Free Fossil Fuels CIEL (2022) IPCC Unsummarized Cockerham_Ruedrich Resigns_Alaska Daily News DeMarban_Alaska oil and gas commission cancels monthly public meetings_Alaska Daily News Denholm (2024) Achieving an 80 renewable portfolio DOE (2022) Queued Up But in Need of Transmission DOE_100 Clean Electricity_ North to the Clean Energy Future _ Department of Energy EPA (2022) Class VI Permitting Report to Congress EPA Press Release_2024-09-19 Florio (2000) Attorneys Fees in Environmental Citizens Suits Foulger et al (2018) Global Review of Human-Induced Earthquakes Fox (2023) EPA Memo and EJ Guidance for UIC Class VI_August 2023 House et al (2009) The Energy Penalty of Post-Combustion CCS Huntington et al (2023) FNCA Ch 29 Alaska Jacobson (2019) Heath and climate impacts of ccs Kern County (2024) DEIS CarbonFrontier Kling et al (1987) The 1986 Lake Nyos Gas Disaster in Cameroon, West Africa Kuprewicz (2022) Accufacs Perspectives on the State of Federal CO2 Transmission Pipeline Safety Regulations Noka et al (2024) Effects of different microstructural parameters on the corrosion and cracking resistance of pipeline steels Ohaeri & Szpunar (2022) An Overview on Pipeline Steel Development for Cold Climate Applications Ohio River Valley Institute (2021) CCUS would decarbonnize the electric system O'Leary & Hunkler (2021) CCUS Would Decarbonize the Electric System ORVI (2021) CCUS-Report re electricity costs Poux_Alaska state agency again rejects Hollis French's petition_APM Rantanen et al (2022) The Arctic has Warmed Nearly Four Times Faster than the Globe Robertson & Mousavian (2022) The Carbon Capture Crux Rosen_Gas leak at ConocoPhillips field reviewed a year later_Alaska Beacon Smith et al (2013) Environmental Impacts of CO2 Snider & Lefebvre_Carbon storage projects hit a hurdle_E&E Stone_USDA fines Alaska $11.9M_APM Stremple_State Lags in Heating Assistance Payments_Alaska Beacon Tornatore Email_San Joaquin_2021 Verdon & Stork (2016) CCS geomechanics induced seismic activity WHEJAC (2021) Final Recommendations WHEJAC (2024) carbon-management-recommendations-october-2024 Zegart The Gassing of Satartia _ HuffPost Impact Zoback & Gorelick (2012) Earthquake Triggering and Large Scale Geologic Storage of CO2 NOTICE OF AWARD SUMMARY State of Alaska Underground Injection Control Program for Class VI Wells Date Issued: November 18, 2024 Project Period: October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2029 Budget Period: October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2029 Total Federal Funds Awarded to Date for Project Period: $1,930,000.00 Environmental Justice Wells used for Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Biden-Harris Administration Announces State and Tribal Allocations for $48 Million Grant For Immediate Release: Governor Dunleavy Signs Carbon Offset Legislation Senate Bill No. 49 Link to EPA Resources Wells used for Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide IOGCC: Compiled library of CCUS information Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide Program Interested vendors can refer to the State of Alaska procurement website and RFI 240000002 at this link for more information. Vendors are encouraged to enroll in the State’s procurement process to be notified of additional and follow up opportunities to work with AOGCC. Contact Us Questions for AOGCC? For general questions or data inquiries, email us at or call (907) 279-1433. For website questions or issues, email us at If you or your organization would like to receive Public Hearing Announcements and copies of AOGCC Orders, subscribe to our mailing list.