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Medical Spa Services Work Group


The purpose of this work group is to:
  • Identify “lifestyle enhancement” services that have a medical nexus and are currently performed or likely to be performed outside of a medical clinic or without supervision by an appropriate licensed provider per AS 08.64 or AS 08.68.
  • Identify existing statutes and regulations that govern current requirements for training, licensure, and supervision of these procedures.
  • Clarify how licensing boards could—jointly or in part—explain existing statutes and regulations that would help the public and licensees understand how these procedures should be safely administered according to the current laws of the state.
  • Suggest changes in statute that would allow defensible and transparent pathways forward for appropriately trained and supervised individuals to provide these services without imposing undue economic or regulatory barriers.
  • Carry forward work group updates and work products to the member boards for their subsequent review and action. The work group itself does not have the authority to adopt regulations, only to make recommendations.


The term “medical spa services” is not defined in Alaska law. For the purpose of this project, examples of medical spa services include, but are not limited to, all aspects of oversight, diagnosis, prescription, administration, and follow-up care for the following activities if performed outside a traditional medical setting.

Based on questions raised by licensees, staff, and members of the public, the topics under consideration at this time include, but are not limited to:
  • intravenous hydration, including compounding medication for IV administration
  • advanced esthetics services that potentially penetrate below the dermal layer of the skin
  • cosmetic injectables such as botulinum toxin and fillers
  • nonsurgical fat reduction such as injection, radiofrequency, temperature, or laser lipolysis
  • prescription and dispensing of medications such as semaglutides or sildenafil
  • hyperbaric treatments



Several meetings will be scheduled to complete this review and develop recommendations to individual licensing boards. At the time of the work group launch, we anticipate meeting approximately monthly between August and February. Meeting agendas, links, and minutes will be posted on this page as soon as they are available, and meeting notices will be available through the Online Public Notice System. Written comments, research, or suggestions for work group consideration should be submitted at least five business days prior to the scheduled meeting. Materials submitted after that time are not guaranteed to be included in the packet for the next meeting. Opportunities to deliver oral public comments at meetings may be limited; submitting written correspondence is recommended. Please refer to individual board pages for details on licensing board meetings.


Documents and links to documents the work group is using may be posted here for ease of reference to the public. Please review each document in context and take care to note whether it is marked with a licensing board adoption date to ensure reliability. Some documents may be in-progress or draft work products and will be noted as such. The decisions and recommendations of the work group are not binding on relevant boards. The list below may not reflect the most current information. If you have any questions about the documents listed below or other documents referenced during a work group meeting, please email

Alaska Board Documents

Statutes and Regulations


Boards and Regulations Advisor
Sara Chambers