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Alaska State Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

Can I pay application, examination, or registration fees by credit card? Yes.

Does my application have to be typed? No, but handwritten applications must be legible. The applications on the AELS web site are interactive. You must fill out the application, print it, sign it before a Notary Public, and mail it to the division along with the appropriate fees. The application can also be mailed to you upon request, or you can download it from the board’s web site in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.

How do I apply for a temporary registration? Alaska has no provision for temporary registrations for architects, engineers, land surveyors or landscape architects.

How do I notify the office of a change of address? We must have a request for address change in writing. We will accept a fax, email, or written notice that comes directly from you. We cannot change an address via a telephone request.

Is it sufficient to have my application postmarked by the deadline date? No. The application must be RECEIVED IN THE JUNEAU OFFICE on or before the deadline date.

How do I obtain a copy of the ethical and professional conduct for architects, engineers, surveyors and landscape architects? The code of professional conduct can be found in the Alaska Administrative Code, 12 AAC 36.200 - .245. You can find a copy of the AELS’ Statutes and Regulations on this web site or contact the Juneau office for a copy of the booklet.

Registration Renewal

When will I receive my renewal form? Renewal forms are no longer mailed out to registrants. In November of odd-numbered years you will receive a notice that renewal is due and instructions on how to renew. All architectural, engineering, land surveying and landscape architectural registrations lapse on December 31 of odd-numbered years.

I need another renewal application. How can I get one? You may obtain a renewal application from this web site or you may call or email the division and have one mailed or faxed to you.

Is my professional seal mandatory on the renewal application? No, it is not required.

To whom do I make out the check for my renewal? State of Alaska.

My registration expired on December 31, 2023. What can I do to renew it? Complete the current renewal form in its entirety and mail it to the division along with the current renewal fee. Alternatively, you can renew on line from this web site and pay by credit card. You should not be practicing or offering to practice architecture, engineering, land surveying or landscape architecture until your renewal has been approved and processed. If your renewal application is received after the lapsed date, the effective date of the registration renewal will be the postmark date. Time between 12/31/21 and the postmark date is indicated in your file as "lapsed ".

My registration has been lapsed for greater than five years, therefore it is expired. How can I reinstate it? You must complete a "Reinstatement Form for Expired Registration" #08-4494, available on this web site under “Applications and Forms” and follow the instructions on the form.

My registration has been lapsed for less than five years. How do I make my registration “active” again? You will need to complete the most recent Renewal Application. You are not required to pay registration fees for the lapsed period, only the current biennial registration fee and delayed renewal penalty fee. Upon approval your registration will be active for the remainder of the current biennium. The Renewal Application is available on this web site under “Applications and Forms.”

Continuing Education Requirements, effective October 2023 Retired Status

How do I put my registration into retired status? For a one-time fee of $25 your registration may be put into retired status. This can only be done at renewal time and your registration must be current. There is an option on the renewal application for selecting retired status. Keep in mind that you may not practice or offer to practice while your registration is in retired status. You may, however, use the title “architect,” “engineer,” “land surveyor”, or “landscape architect” as those titles apply to you.

To reactivate a retired status registration that has been in retired status for five years or less complete form #08-4495 “Reactivation Form for Retired Status” available under “Applications and Forms” on this web site. Complete the form, sign and return to the Juneau office with the required fee. You are not required to pay registration fees for the “retired” period, only the current biennial registration fee. Upon approval your registration will be reactivated for the remainder of the current biennium.

If your registration has been in retired status for more than five years you will need to send in verification of passing an examination that complies with 12 AAC 36.100 (see 12 AAC 36.165(b)), in addition to the reactivation form and the required fees.

With regard to retired registration, what does 12 AAC 36.115 say? The text of 12 AAC 36.115 and 12 AAC 36.165 follows:

12 AAC 36.115. Retired Status Registration.

  • (a) An individual holding a retired status registration under AS 08.48.215 may use the title “architect”, “engineer”, “land surveyor”, or “landscape architect”, as appropriate, but may not indicate that the individual is practicing or soliciting to practice architecture, engineering, land surveying, or landscape architecture in the state.
  • (b) The board will issue an active certificate of registration to an individual who holds a retired status registration if the applicant
    • (1) submits a completed application for reactivation on a form provided by the department;
    • (2) pays the biennial registration renewal fees established in 12 AAC 02.110;
    • (3) meets at the time that application is made under this section the continuing education requirements of 12 AAC 36.500 – 12 AAC 36.550 for one biennial registration period; and
    • (4) meets the requirements of 12 AAC 36.165(b), if the individual has held a retired status registration for more than five years.

12 AAC 36.165. Expired Certificates.

  • (a) A certificate of registration or corporate, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership authorization that is not renewed for a period of five years expires at the end of that period.
  • (b) An expired certificate of registration may be reinstated by
    • (1) applying for reinstatement on a form provided by the department, paying the appropriate fee in 12 AAC 02.110, and providing verification of having passed an examination that
      • A. meets the applicable requirements of 12 AAC 36.100;
      • B. the applicant for registration of an expired engineer certificate took to qualify for registration in this state before April 1967; or
      • C. the applicant took to qualify for registration in another licensing jurisdiction; or
    • (2) reapplying to the board for registration by comity as required by 12 AAC 36.103 - 12 AAC 36.109 and paying the appropriate fee.
  • (c) An expired certificate of corporate, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership authorization may not be reinstated. A corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership whose certificate of corporate, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership authorization has expired must apply for a new certificate of corporate, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership authorization under AS 08.48.241.
  • (d) Repealed 1/20/2002.
  • (e) An applicant for reinstatement of an expired certificate of registration shall meet the requirements of 12 AAC 36.110(a) unless the applicant was originally registered in the state based on an acceptable treatise.
  • (f) Notwithstanding (b) of this section, the board may require an applicant for reinstatement who has been sanctioned for any of the conduct described in 12 AAC 36.320 in the ten years preceding the application for reinstatement to be re-examined under 12 AAC 36.100.
Corporation, Limited Liability Companies (LLC), Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP), and Limited Partnerships (LP)

Does a corporation, LLC, LLP, or LP need a Certificate of Authorization? By statute, if a corporation, LLC, LLP, or LP offers architectural, engineering, land surveying or landscape architectural services in Alaska it must have a Certificate of Authorization before practicing or offering to practice in any of these professions.

What are the requirements for a Certificate of Authorization?

  1. Corporations must obtain a Certificate of Incorporation, LLPs and LPs must obtain a Certificate of Registration and LLCs must obtain a Certificate of Organization from the Corporations section of the Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing, showing that the corporation, LLC, LLP, or LP is registered in Alaska.
  2. The corporation, LLC, LLP, or LP must have a current Alaska-registered individual designated in responsible charge for each discipline being offered or practiced.
  3. The requirements for Certificates of Authorization are found in the application (Form 08-610), statute 08.48.241, and regulation 12 AAC 36.135.

Must the owners of the corporation, LLC, LLP, or LP or the majority of the stockholders be Alaska residents or Alaska registrants? No. There is no residency or registration requirement for any of the owners or stockholders.

If a corporation, LLC, LLP, or LP is changing a person in responsible charge what documentation is required? Form 08-4409, “Application for Amendment for Certificate of Authorization for Corporate, LLC, LLP, or LP Practice” must be submitted, together with the current amendment fee payable to the State of Alaska. A certified, notarized resolution of the board of directors of the corporation, the managing members or manager of the LLC, or of the general partners of the LLP or LP must be submitted naming all current persons in responsible charge. Persons in responsible charge must be registered in Alaska.

If a corporation, LLC, LLP, or LP is adding a branch of practice what documentation must be submitted? Form 08-4409, “Application for Amendment for Certificate of Authorization for Corporate, LLC, LLP, or LP Practice” must be submitted along with the current amendment fee payable to the State of Alaska. A certified, notarized amendment to the corporate, LLC, LLP, or LP bylaws must also be submitted that conforms to AS 08.48.241 and 12 AAC 36.135. In addition, a certified, notarized resolution of the board of directors of the corporation, the managing members or manager of the LLC, or the general partners of the LLP or LP must be submitted designating the person in responsible charge for the new branch of practice. The person designated in responsible charge must have a current Alaska registration.

If a corporation, LLC, LLP, or LP changes its name what documentation is required to be submitted? A copy of a new certificate from the Corporations section of the Division of Corporations, Business and professional Licensing showing the new name must be submitted along with the “Application for Amendment for Certificate of Authorization for Corporate, LLC, LLP, or LP Practice” (Form 08-4409), together with the current amendment fee payable to the State of Alaska. A certified, notarized amendment to the corporate, LLC, LLP, or LP bylaws must be submitted that shows the name change has been properly enacted.


How do I obtain a FE exam verification? If you took the fundamentals of examination (FE) in Alaska, your score is on permanent record with the division. You may have your score verified to another state board upon written request and a $20 fee payable to the State of Alaska.

I am having trouble scheduling my FE or PE exam at a PearsonVue testing center. Who do I contact? Contact NCEES through your MyNCEES account -

Is the cold regions design class a requirement for all engineers? Yes. It is required before registration but not before sitting for the FE or PE exams.

I took the cold regions design class several years ago. My registration has expired and I now want to become actively registered again in Alaska. Do I have to take the class again? No. Once you have taken the class you do not have to take it again, no matter how long ago it was taken. It is very likely that we have a list in our office documenting that you took the class, as our records go back to the 1970s. Indicate when you took the class, and we can see if we have a record of it.

May I submit my application for registration before completing the cold regions design class? Yes. The board can review your application before the cold regions design requirement has been met. If everything else is approved you may receive “conditional approval pending cold regions design course,” which means your registration will be issued upon successful completion of the cold regions design course.

I will be submitting my NCEES’ Council Record. Instead of filling out the Alaska application in its entirety, may I write “see NCEES record” for the education, experience, exam, registration, and professional experience sections? No. Even with a NCEES’ Council Record you must fill out the application completely. If the application is not complete, it will be returned to you, which may delay the review of your application by the board.

I will be submitting my NCEES’ Council Record. What other documentation will I need? The NCEES’ Council Record may be accepted for verification of your education, exams and current registration. You must supply verification of your work experience and responsible charge experience on Alaska forms. If you have at least five years of post-registration experience, you may submit two current letters of reference in lieu of the responsible charge experience requirement. See 12 AAC 36.105 for details.

Must my transcripts be mailed directly to you from my school? Yes. We require the official transcript be sent directly to the division from your school(s). However, you may submit an official transcript if it is sealed in an envelope from the school. Comity applicants who submit NCEES’ Council Records need not have separate transcripts sent.

Must my exam and registration verifications be mailed directly to you from my state board? Yes. We must receive verification of exam scores and current registration directly from the state board where you took the exam(s) and where you are registered. Comity applicants who submit NCEES’ Council Records need not have separate exam and registration verifications sent.

I am registered in Canada. Will I be able to gain registration in Alaska? If you meet Alaska’s requirements, such as education, work experience, responsible charge experience, arctic engineering, and have passed the NCEES exam (PE exam must be in the same discipline for which you are seeking registration), you may qualify for registration. If you are registered in Canada, the FE exam is waived. Read the statutes and regulations for specific details on registration requirements.

I am registered in another state in a discipline that Alaska does not recognize. Will I qualify for registration in Alaska? Alaska regulates all disciplines of engineering that NCEES tests for except architectural and software engineering. You must meet Alaska’s requirements, such as education, work experience, responsible charge experience, cold regions design course and passing the NCEES FE and PE exams. You must pass the PE exam in the discipline for which you are applying. PLEASE NOTE: The board will determine the amount of work experience credit given for work under a PE registered in a discipline other than that which you are applying for.

As an engineer, may I perform home inspections? An individual who holds a valid license as a professional engineer or architect may do home inspections without obtaining a home inspector license. However, they cannot use the term "home inspector" in any way or advertise that they conduct home inspections. They also must seal, sign and date the inspection report. If they call themselves "home inspectors" or advertise their services as "home inspectors" or fail to seal, sign and date the report they are in violation of AS 08.18.053 and the Division will open an investigation for unlicensed practice.

When verifying ‘practical structural experience’ for the engineering exam, what aspects are considered by the board? The board assesses the following key areas to ensure applicants possess the requisite experience for structural engineering practice in Alaska:

  • Direct Structural Engineering Experience: Active involvement in structural engineering tasks as part of their work including design, analysis, and/or project management.
  • Complex Structural Exposure: Experience with engineering the construction of structures which go beyond simple designs. For example, a multi-story building located in seismic zones where the applicant participated in all aspects of the design process including design criteria development, vertical design, lateral design, and connection detailing.
  • Seismic Design Familiarity: A strong understanding and practical experience in seismic design principles, particularly relevant to Alaska’s high seismic risk, including experience in seismic rehabilitation or retrofitting of existing structures.
  • This requirement aims to confirm that applicants have acquired robust structural engineering experience, equipping them to competently handle the unique challenges of engineering practice in Alaska.

    The board is aware that engineering expertise can be acquired in various domains beyond traditional building design. Accordingly, the regulations are structured to allow for recognition of a broad spectrum of structural engineering experiences. This includes, but is not limited to, work in areas such as infrastructure projects, industrial structures, and specialized structural systems. The intent is to ensure that individuals with substantial technical experience in diverse aspects of structural engineering are eligible, reflecting a comprehensive understanding of the field’s scope.


I will be applying for registration by comity. Do I need the NCARB blue cover council certificate? No, however architect applicants applying by comity may have their NCARB Council Certificate (“Blue Book”) submitted to the division by NCARB.

I am applying for the Architect Registration Examination (ARE). Do I need the NCARB green (or buff) cover council record? No, however ARE applicants may have their NCARB Council Certificate (NCARB Green or Buff Cover IDP Council Record) submitted to the division by NCARB. For early testing, applicants must submit an NCARB record summary to support ARE eligibility.

Since the NCARB certificate is required, may I write “see NCARB certificate” on sections of my application? No. Even with an NCARB certificate you must fill out the Alaska application completely. If the application is not complete it will be returned to you, which may delay the review of your application by the board.

Is the cold regions design class a requirement for all architects? Yes. It is required before registration. It is not required before approval to sit for the ARE.

Must I show completion of the IDP requirement? No. You must provide an NCARB record summary to support ARE eligibility.

May I schedule my ARE before applying to the board? No. The board must approve your application before you may obtain an authorization to test for the ARE. After you receive authorization you may call a PSI testing center to schedule your exam.

As an architect, may I perform home inspections? An individual who holds a valid license as a professional engineer or architect may do home inspections without obtaining a home inspector license. However, they cannot use the term "home inspector" in any way or advertise that they conduct home inspections. They also must seal, sign and date the inspection report. If they call themselves "home inspectors" or advertise their services as "home inspectors" or fail to seal, sign and date the report they are in violation of AS 08.18.053 and the Division will open an investigation for unlicensed practice.

Land Surveyors

How do I obtain my LSIT (FS) certification number? Alaska does not issue certification or registration numbers for land surveyors in training (LSIT). We do, however, keep your score on permanent record. You may have the score verified to another state board upon receipt of a check for $20 payable to the State of Alaska.

Is the cold regions design class a requirement for land surveyors? No. Land surveyors are NOT required to complete the cold regions design course.

Is the AKLS (Alaska Land Survey) examination a requirement for all surveyors?Yes. All comity and exam applicants must pass the 2-hour, open book AKLS examination before registration in Alaska. The AKLS is administered in April and October.

How do I find out what kinds of questions will be on the AKLS exam?You can find a copy of the “AKLS Candidate Handbook” on our web site under “Examination Information” or contact the division for a copy. The handbook contains information on the test, suggested reference materials, and sample questions.

How do I know if an activity falls under the practice of land surveying? Per Alaska Statute (AS) 08.48.341 (14), the “practice of land surveying” is defined as the teaching of land surveying courses at an institution of higher learning, or any service or work the adequate performance of which involves the application of special knowledge of the principles of mathematics, the related physical and applied sciences, and the relevant requirements of law for adequate evidence of the act of measuring and locating land, geodetic and cadastral surveys for the location and monumentation of property boundaries, for the platting and planning of land and subdivisions of land, including the topography, alignment, and grades for streets, and for the preparation and perpetuation of maps, record plats, field note records, and property descriptions that represent these surveys;

To assist you in determining if an activity falls under AS 08.48.341 (14), please review the Land Surveying Flowchart.

Landscape Architects

Is the cold regions design course a requirement for all landscape architects? Yes. It is required before registration. It is not required before approval to sit for the Landscape Architect Registration Exam (LARE).

Can I substitute a Mentoring Program for the Experience requirement? No. The mentoring program is in addition to the experience requirement. Mentoring is a special provision of the Experience Requirement in a situation where there is no registered professional landscape architect in the location where the applicant is working. The applicant may work under someone who is a professional in another design discipline but must also complete a mentoring program involving meetings with a landscape architect registered in the United States. (12 AAC 36.068)

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