Division of Banking and Securities ARRC "Bingles" This Banner image is of the several denominations of "bingles" that were issued to the farmers who participated the 1936 "New Deal" program called the Alaska Rural Rehabilitation Corporation (ARRC). The program relocated over two hundred farm families from the dust bowl stricken mid-west to the Matanuska valley in Alaska. The families were each issued 40 acres of land and $3000 in credit at the ARRC commissary. The "bingles" were created as a form of currency to be used within the ARRC. To read more about the ARRC bingles see the bibliographic references below. Bibliographic References Roy Brown, ACCent-Anchorage Coin Club, Volume 12, Number 6. http://www.alaskacoinexchange.com/Accent/1999%2006%20Accent.htm Walter Breen's Complete Encyclopedia of U.S. and Colonial Coins; http://www.amazon.com/Walter-Breens-Complete-Encyclopedia-Colonial/dp/0385142072/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_d_3#reader_0385142072 True Secrets of Alaska Revealed! http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Alaska-Revealed-Scott-Gutelius/dp/0967281938/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_d_2#reader_0967281938