Loan Programs The Division of Investments administers several state loan programs, including: Alternative Energy Provide affordable loans to Alaskan commercial business owners for the purchase, construction and installation of alternative energy systems or energy conservation improvements in commercial buildings. Commercial Charter Fisheries Provide affordable loans to Alaskan commercial charter operators to promote Alaskan ownership of charter halibut permits. Commercial Fishing Long-term, low interest loans to promote the development of predominantly resident fisheries, and continued maintenance of commercial fishing vessels and gear for the purpose of improving the quality of Alaska seafood products. Community Quota Entity (CQE) Provide long-term, low interest loans to Community Quota Entities for the purchase of halibut and sable fish quota shares through the National Marine Fisheries Service program, and then lease the quota back to local resident fishermen. Fisheries Enhancement Loans for planning, permiting, construction, and operation of fish hatchery facilities. Mariculture Loans may be made for the planning, construction, and operation of a mariculture business. Alaska Microloan Loans may be made to promote economic development in Alaska by helping small businesses access needed capital. Rural Development Initiative Fund Provide private sector employment by financing the start-up and expansion of businesses that will create significant long-term employment. Small Business Economic Development Provide private sector employment by financing the start-up and expansion of businesses that will create significant long-term employment.