Available Courses
Below is a list of courses offered by the DCRA. You can also:• View Training Calendar or Search the Course Attendance Lists
Total Available Courses: 31
Program | Training | Description | Syllabus |
Grants/Financial Aid | CDBG Application Workshop | This workshop provides an overview of the CDBG program and goes through each component of the CDBG application. We give the opportunity for the participants to work in small groups and answer questions and provide one-on-one assistance to the applicants. Annually we hold the CDBG Application Workshop in Anchorage and Fairbanks that is typically held in the month of October. On occasion we will also hold a CDBG application workshop in Bethel. | View File |
Grants/Financial Aid | CDBG Management Workshop | This workshop provides an overview of the CDBG program requirements and grant negotiation process. We cover Environmental Review, Project Management, Insurance Requirements, Labor Standards, Section 3, Reporting and Record Keeping. | No File |
Grants/Financial Aid | NPR-A Technical Assistance Workshop | This workshop is a formal training which provides an overview of the NPR-A program including program objectives; applicant eligibility; project eligibility; importance of defining impact and relating impact and proposed projects to oil and gas development; tips on putting together a good application; application timelines; application review process including an overview of the rating criteria; as well as a discussion of what requirements must be met if an award is made. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | Alaska APA/AML | Learn about mitigation opportunities and collaborative training for flood risk reduction. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | ANCSA 14(c) Training | The purpose of this training is to assist village corporations and city councils or other local entities complete the 14(c)(3) land conveyance. ANCSA 14(c) training is provided in collaboration with BLM. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | ASFPM | Association of State Flood Plain Managers: Presentation on Alaska issues and events, collaboration opportunities between state partners. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | Community Rating System | Learn program benefits and requirements and promote better floodplain management, lowering flood risk and providing flood insurance premium discounts for residents and business owners. This course can be 2 hours to a full week. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | FEMA Region X All Hands Meeting | Presentation on Alaska issues and events, collaboration opportunities between state partners. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | HUD Floodplain analysis and Mitigation | Learn the appropriate steps to complete your environmental review for flood and erosion hazards for your project. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | Integrating the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan into the Community Comprehensive Plan | This training, provided through the Alaska Risk MAP Program, explains and demonstrates how to integrate natural hazard mitigation concepts into local comprehensive plans. The training describes the benefits of integration, provides examples of how it can be accomplished, reviews existing state authorities and regulations, and highlights successful best practices in other communities. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | Managing Floodplain Development through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) | Hosted by FEMA Region 10 and the Alaska Division of Community & Regional Affairs (DCRA), this 4-day course is designed for local officials responsible for administering their local floodplain management ordinance. The course will focus on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and concepts of floodplain management, maps and studies, ordinances administration, and the relationship between floodplain management and flood insurance. | View File |
Land Management/Planning | National Flood Insurance Program | Learn program requirements as lined out in the 44 CFR 60.3. This specifically includes the responsibilities communities have to manage and minimize their flood risk. This course can be 2 hours to a full week. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | NORFMA | Northwest Regional Floodplain Management Association (NORFMA): Presentation on Alaska issues and events, collaboration opportunities between state partners. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | Planning Commission Training | This training provides an overview of one or more of the topics planning commissioners must be knowledgeable about, including: Comprehensive and other types of planning, Zoning and platting, and How a planning commission operates. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | Preparedness Conference | Learn about mitigation opportunities and collaborative training for flood risk reduction. | No File |
Land Management/Planning | Understanding and Evaluating your Erosion Problem | This training, provided through the Alaska Risk MAP Program, assists Alaskan communities in understanding and evaluating erosion problems and alternative solutions. The primary components of the erosion process are explained to help users understand the source of their community erosion problems. Characteristic profiles of eroding shorelines and typical energy sources are presented thereby allowing users to identify the possible causes of their erosion problem. The fundamental principles and means of controlling erosion are presented to enable users to understand potential solutions to their erosion problem. Sources of additional guidance for evaluation, design, and implementation of alternative solutions are also presented. This training is based on the handbook by the same title. | No File |
Local Government Assistance | Local Government Informational Tutorials (LeGITs) | The LeGITs are our weekly hour-long Zoom trainings, available to all cities, tribes, community associations, and partner agencies. Each LeGIT focuses on a topic or a series on a topic relevant to local governance and service provision. Topics such as: Operations and Maintenance Best Practices, Financial Management, Community Assistance Program, and so much more. www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/dcra/LocalGovernmentInformationalTutorials.aspx | No File |
National Flood Insurance Program | L0273 Managing Floodplain Development through the National Flood Insurance Program | The course will be taught by FEMA Region 10 and Alaska DCRA staff and designated for the local officials and staff responsible for administering the local floodplain program or planning regulations with focused discussion on Alaska and how to manage this program in rural communities. | View File |
Office of State Assessor | Appraisal Training Courses | These courses are offered for individuals typically working for a local assessor’s office and the course stats, participant name, jurisdiction, etc., are maintained by the Alaska Association of Assessing Officers for the purpose of certification. These courses are taught upto 4 times a year. | No File |
Office of State Assessor | Appraisal Workshops | These workshops are typically taken by employees of the local assessor’s offices, although others in the private sector also take them. These workshops are one to two days in duration. | No File |
Office of State Assessor | Board Of Equilization Training | The Board of Equalization (BOE) training is offered every year to local governments that levy property taxes. In many smaller municipalities the local city council or borough assembly acts as the BOE and consequently, members are subject to turnover due to elections and smaller municipalities ask for the training more often than larger ones. | No File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | Clerk's Management for Rural Utilities | Covers skills needed to work effectively as a clerk within a small rural utility. Topics include a clerk’s roles and responsibilities concerning public relations, meetings, office and records management, elections, financial management, and ordinances and resolutions. | View File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | Elected Officials Management for Rural Utilities | Provides an overview of government for community leaders in rural Alaska. Topics include an official’s roles and responsibilities, the Open Meetings Act, parliamentary procedure, ordinances and resolutions, financial management, and sustainability. | View File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | Financial Management for Rural Utilities | Provides an overview of financial operations for rural utilities. Topics cover basic processes and procedures for financial reporting, fund accounting, budgeting, collections, risk management, audits, and rate setting. | View File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | Introduction to Management for Rural Utilities | Covers principles and practices for managing small water and wastewater facilities in rural Alaska. Topics include basic terms, key concepts, and an overview of five utility management functions: personnel, financial, organizational, planning, and operations management. | View File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | Introduction to Operations and Maintenance Best Practices | Provides an overview and in-depth look into the Operation and Maintenance Best Practices categories: Technical, Managerial, and Financial Capacity. Each category is broken down into what the requirements, what are the possible scores a community can receive, and how to receive the maximum amount of points possible. | View File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | Operations Management for Rural Utilities | Offers specific skills and knowledge that a manager needs to oversee a rural utility. A manager needs to understand an operator’s duties and the time needed to perform those duties. Topics include safety, operations and maintenance scheduling, data collection and reporting, public relations, inventory control, and contingency planning. | View File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | Organizational Management for Rural Utilities | Describes organizations that may own and operate water and wastewater facilities. Topics include governance, authority and accountability, level of service, customer agreements, roles and responsibilities, the utility ordinance, and regulations. | View File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | Personnel Management for Rural Utilities | Presents tools a rural utility manager needs to maintain a productive work force. Topics include personnel policies and procedures, safety policies and programs, selecting and hiring staff, orientation and training, regulations and the law, communications and conflict, and motivation and management. | View File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | Planning Management for Rural Utilities | Details the planning process as applied to managing small water and wastewater facilities in rural Alaska. Topics cover how and why to get the public involved in planning, developing and evaluating water/wastewater alternatives, and starting a construction project. | No File |
Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) | QuickBooks for Rural Utilities | Builds the skills and knowledge needed for QuickBooks accounting management of a small water and wastewater utility in rural Alaska. | View File |
31 records