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Online Applications for Licensure

Now available for the following:
  • Assistant Guide
  • Transporter

Click Here to Apply Online

Online applications are filed through your MyAlaska account. Filing via the MyAlaska account allows for email notifications about your application status.

Please review the instructions for filing an Initial Application online via MY LICENSE.

Paper Applications for Licensure

Renewal Applications

Guide Use Area Registration Forms

Hunt Records and Activity Reports

Miscellaneous Forms

Division forms may be found in the CBPL Quick links, located in the sidebar to the right

Municipal Requests for Hunt Record and Transporter Activity Report Data

Effective August 8, 2018, the Alaska State Legislature enacted HB 267, allowing certain data regarding big game hunting records to be released to municipalities that have adopted ordinances to tax Registered Guide-Outfitters, Master Guide-Outfitters, and Transporters, whose licenses are regulated by this agency and the Big Game Commercial Services Board. This data is confidential per 08.54.760; distribution or release of this information by the requesting agency or its staff is punishable as a crime under AS 11.56.850-860. The fee for each quarter requested is $500. Please contact program staff for more information at (907) 465-2543.

Workers' Compensation Insurance Required

Assistant Guides are employees for workers' compensation purposes, and therefore workers' compensation insurance is required. Call the Alaska Division of Workers' Compensation Special Investigations Unit at (907) 269-4002 with compliance questions.

Sample Contracts

Alaska Statute 08.54.680 and regulations under 12 AAC 75 require Registered Guide-Outfitters and Transporters to provide a written contract to clients. Sample contracts are provided below. The contracts below may be used to meet the requirements in statute and regulation, or a licensee may choose to develop his/her own personalized contracts. It is very important that the contracts utilized meet all the specific requirements listed in AS 08.54.680 and 12 AAC 75.450 for Transporters, and 12 AAC 75.260 for Registered Guide-Outfitters.

Regulation Proposal Form

Proposed regulations are allowed at all board meetings during the public comment period. If you would like to bring a regulation proposal to the board, you must use the BGCSB Regulation Proposal Form #08-4573. If you wish your proposal to be considered by the board at the next scheduled meeting, the proposal must be received by the division by close of business 45 days before the first day of the scheduled meeting.