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Do not submit both an online and paper application. Submitting duplicate applications creates more work for staff and causes significant delays in processing applications. Emailed applications will not be accepted.

Online Applications

Now available for the following:
  • Pharmacist by Exam
  • Pharmacist by Reciprocity
  • Pharmacy Technician

Click Here to Apply Online

Online applications are filed through your MyAlaska account. Filing via the MyAlaska account allows for email notifications about your application status.

Please review the instructions for filing an Initial Application online via MY LICENSE.

Paper Applications

Emergency Permit

The emergency permit is to be used to respond to an urgent situation, which is defined in 12 AAC 52.110.

Do not submit a Pharmacy Emergency Permit Application without first contacting the Executive Administrator for the Alaska Board of Pharmacy, Michael Bowles at (907) 465-1073 to discuss the situation warranting an Emergency Permit. Pharmacy Emergency Permit Applications will only be considered for a “health crisis” as outlined in the Board of Pharmacy statutes and regulations or Alaska Department of Health, or an acute situation where public health and safety may be affected. The State of Alaska’s Department of Health does not currently have any declared public health emergencies.

Pharmacists, Technicians, and Interns

Questions? Review the FAQs found here.


Renewal Applications

Pharmacists and Technicians

Do not sign or date your renewal form until you have completed your continuing education requirements. This requirement is stated in the text above the signature line on pharmacist and technician renewal forms. CEs completed after the date on your renewal form will be disregarded in an audit. The envelopes and postmark dates used for division correspondence become part of your permanent record.

Late renewal applicants must submit proof of completing the required continuing education (CE) activity by attaching copies of CE certificates of completion to the renewal application.

Click Here to Renew Online


Reinstatement Application

  • Reinstatement of Pharmacist License
    #08-4225, Revised 10/11/2023
    Reinstatement applications are only used for Pharmacist licenses that have been lapsed more than 2 years but less than 5 years.

Self-Inspection Reports

Miscellaneous Forms

The following forms may also be initiated online via the MY LICENSE self-service portal.

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