Grants & Funding Programs National Forest Receipts (NFR)/Secure Rural Schools Program NFR Overview, Statutes, and Regulations NFR Payments By Community USFS Secure Rural Schools Website Historically, the distribution of funds under the National Forest Receipts Program was authorized under a 1908 federal law (16 USC 500) where 25% of the annual income earned from activities within a national forest was shared with the State for distribution to boroughs, cities and regional educational attendance areas (REAAs) located within the national forest. With the passage of the "Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000," National Forest Receipts payments to the State are based upon the average of the three highest payments made to the State during the "eligibility period" of fiscal years 1987-2000. Applications are mailed to each eligible applicant on or before July 1 and must be returned by August 15. National Forest ReceiptsStory Map Notice: You MUST download the PDF first, in order to fill out the form properly. FY2025 Borough/Municipality Instructions and Application (Fillable PDF) FY2025 1st Class Municipality Instructions and Application (Fillable PDF) FY2025 2nd Class Municipality Instructions and Application (Fillable PDF) FY2025 Corporation Instructions and Application (Fillable PDF) FY2025 Schools Instructions and Application (Fillable PDF) For more information about the National Forest Receipts (NFR)/Secure Rural Schools Program contact: 455 3rd Avenue, Suite 140 Fairbanks, AK 99701 Phone: 907-451-2721 Fax: 907-451-2742 Email: Revised 10/17/2024