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Alaska Risk MAP Program

Community Risk MAP Studies: Fairbanks North Star Borough

Approximate Flood Study

Project History

FEMA Region 10, Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB), and the State of Alaska identified the FNSB Approximate flood study as a priority for FEMA's Risk MAP program. The State determines its priorities based on population at risk to hazards, recent events, and community interest. FEMA, State, and local stakeholders participated in a Risk MAP Kick-Off meeting held August 27, 2020. The community did not have any concerns or additional needs during that meeting.

This project commenced in September 2020. FEMA's mapping contractor obtained 2017/2018 Light Detection and Ranging Digital Terrain Model (LiDAR/DTM) datasets from the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) Elevation portal. Hydrology using Regression/Gage along with Rainfall Runoff was finalized in March 2021. Hydraulics for Phase 1 of the Base Level Engineering (BLE) project was completed in mid-July 2021. FNSB requested approximately 215 miles of additional BLE stream reaches in January 2021. This added footprint was considered during the next phase of the project, which started in August 2021. Hydrology for the additional streams and multi-frequency results for all streams were completed in December 2021. Field Survey was also completed in December 2021. The Zone A Hydraulic study was completed in October 2022. The Tanana River Study Hydrology was submitted to FEMA and finalized in December 2021. In a separate project, the Hydraulic study for the Tanana River was submitted by the consulting firm,HDR in October 2022.

Hydraulic modeling for the Approximate (Zone A) Studies was completed in October 2022. FEMA's mapping contractor has incorporated the mapping outputs into the Draft DFIRM database, which will be used for Preliminary Production. The Draft Zone A floodplain mapping and associated outputs have been placed on the FEMA GeoPlatform (see link below).

Part of the Floodplain Mapping process is adding effective floodplain within the projected panels. The effective floodplains were digitized from the previous non-modernized community panels. The effective floodplains will be tied into new flood study data. This new panel footprint is included with the GeoPlatform.

Tie-ins between the Tanana River flood study, effective flood studies, and the Zone A study have been completed. The Flood Risk Review (FRR) meeting was held on July 6, 2023. After the FRR, it was determined a follow-up meeting was necessary to allow the new FNSB Floodplain Administrator to have direct involvement. This follow-up meeting was held on August 29, 2023. During the follow-up meeting, a comment on the Perkins Landing area Tanana River Floodway delineation was discussed. FNSB requested another look at that area to be more in line with the river’s edge. The consulting firm, HDR, was tasked with reviewing the model and coordinating with FNSB. An extended comment period was provided to FNSB and set for October 1, 2023.

On September 29, 2023, FNSB provided comments on the FY19 & FY21 studies via email. HDR submitted Tanana River Floodway revisions to FEMA's mapping contractor on October 3, 2023. On November 6, 2023, FEMA and FEMA's mapping contractor held a call with FNSB to go over the comments. The only remaining comment not addressed during that call regarded the flood mapping for Isabella Creek in the Bentley Avenue area. FEMA Region 10 and FEMA's mapping contractor revisited the modeling approach for Isabella Creek.

The revised floodplains for Tanana River and Isabella Creek have been added to the Risk MAP Project Portfolio at the FEMA GeoPlatform link below [see “Draft (2023.12)” tab].

The Draft results were presented to FNSB via email on December 14, 2023. No further comments were received. The FRR Comment Resolution was completed in January 2024.

Following the FRR comment resolutions, a coordination call between FEMA, FNSB, STARR II, State of Alaska, and Resilience Action Partners, was held on January 10, 2024, to discuss the upcoming Public Outreach activities. Resilience Action Partners presented community outreach opportunities and resources with FNSB. A proposed timeline for next steps was also provided.

The project team has added 0.2% annual chance flood hazard areas to studied Zone A reaches and host on the FEMA GeoPlatform. These hazard areas will provide additional hazard information to make risk-informed decisions.

Data from these efforts can be viewed at the following locations:

Recent Activity

Following the Flood Risk Review (FRR) comment resolutions, a coordination call between FEMA, FNSB, FEMA's mapping contractor, State of Alaska, and FEMA’s community engagement contractor, Resilience Action Partners, was held on January 10, 2024, to discuss the upcoming Public Outreach activities. Resilience Action Partners presented community outreach opportunities and resources with FNSB. A proposed timeline for next steps was also provided.

As part of the outreach activities, the Flood Risk Products (FRPs) were discussed, which include Changes Since Last FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map), Flood Depth Grids, and Water Surface Elevation Grids. These supplemental products include additional information on the Zone A Approximate studies and the Tanana River. The plan is to finalize these products in the coming month and provide to FNSB.

Prior to community outreach, the project team will add 0.2% annual chance flood hazard areas to studied Zone A reaches and host on the FEMA GeoPlatform. These hazard areas will provide additional hazard information to make risk-informed decisions.

From April to July 2024, the Flood Risk Products (FRPs) were being developed along with the Draft FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map) Database. The Draft Floodplains showing the Tanana River and Zone A reaches, which include the 0.2% annual chance flood hazard areas, have been hosted on the FEMA GeoPlatform. The GeoPlatform contains the Draft Floodplains and the Draft Assessment. This Draft Assessment shows the Changes Since Last FIRM and the impacts to structures.

As part of the outreach activities, the FRPs will include the Changes Since Last FIRM, Flood Depth Grids, and Water Surface Elevation Grids. These supplemental products include additional information on the Zone A Approximate studies and the Tanana River. The FRPs are complex and have taken more time/effort to upload to the GeoPlatform than expected. The intent is to have the products be released closer to the Preliminary issuance to avoid discrepancies between the Draft data and the Preliminary data.

A status update call was held on August 20, 2024, with FEMA Region 10, STARR II, FNSB, State of Alaska, and Resilience Action Partners (FEMA’s communication engagement contractor). This call was focusing on the current status of the FRPs and the Preliminary schedule. The FRPs were sent to FNSB via the State’s “Alaska ZendTo” application on August 23, 2024. The data will also be available on the Map Service Center closer to the Preliminary release. The presentation and meeting notes from this call are available at the Project Deliverables link.

Next Steps

STARR II will be finalizing the DFIRM Database and the Preliminary Mapping Process, with a Preliminary Release tentatively scheduled for October/November 2024.

Along with the Preliminary production, FEMA and Resilience Action Partners will be coordinating with FNSB on any Preliminary Outreach activities.

For additional information on this project, please refer to the following links:

FEMA Geoplatform and Flood Study Data: Flood Study Lifecycle (History, Effective, Chena Slough, Scope, Draft (2024.6):

Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska - Risk MAP Portfolio (

Project Deliverables (Risk MAP Contacts, Draft Maps, Meeting Materials:

Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska - Risk MAP Project Deliverables (

The following table illustrates project status and includes major milestones with dates for this project:

Meeting/Deliverable Actual or Projected End Date
Flood Study Kick-Off Meeting August 27, 2020
BLE Map Release (GeoPlatform) July 21, 2021
Flood Study Kick-Off Meeting September 22, 2021
Draft Map Release – Zone A’s January 24, 2023
Draft Map Release – Tanana River February 18, 2023
Flood Risk Review (FRR) Meeting July 6, 2023 & August 29, 2023
Flood Risk Product Release May/June 2024*
Preliminary DFIRM/FIS Release October/November 2024*
Consultation Coordination Officers (CCO) Meeting Fall/Winter 2024/2025*
Public Meeting/Workshop Winter 2025*
90 Day Appeal Period Starts Spring 2025*
90 Day Appeal Period Ends Summer 2025*
Letter of Final Determination TBD
Risk MAP Resilience Workshop TBD
Maps and FIS become Effective TBD

*All projected dates are subject to revision as the project progresses

Chena Slough Flood Study

The Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) identified an updated flood study for Chena Slough as a local mapping need while an effective Flood Insurance Study, dated March 17, 2014, was being finalized. FEMA was unable to include an updated flood study for Chena Slough at that time. Since then, FNSB completed an updated flood study for Chena Slough through FEMA's Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) program. FEMA’s mapping contractor was tasked with performing Quality Assurance/Quality Control(QA/QC) of the flood study, and to incorporate the updated study data into Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for public release and review.

Preliminary Flood Insurance Study and FIRM Database
  • Coming Soon!
Consultation Coordination Officer (CCO) Meeting

After the release of preliminary FIRMs and FIS reports, FEMA holds meetings to present them first to community officials at a Consultation Coordination Officer (CCO) Meeting . Any changes in flood risk will be explained and participants will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the products. This is also the meeting where public outreach needs are discussed.

The CCO Meeting is required by 44 CFR 66.5 (f): (f) The community shall be informed in writing of any intended modification to the community's final flood elevation determinations or the development of new elevations in additional areas of the community as a result of a new study or restudy. Such information to the community will include the data set forth in paragraph (e) of this section. At the discretion of the Regional Administrator in each FEMA Regional Office, a meeting may be held to accomplish this requirement.

  • Coming Soon!
Region X Service Center Quarterly Reports

The following table illustrates project status and includes major milestones with dates for this project:

Activity Actual or Projected End Date
Flood Study Kick-Off Meeting November 23, 2016
Preliminary DFIRM/FIS Release February 15, 2019
Consultation Coordination Officers (CCO) Meeting April 23, 2019
Public Meeting/Workshop June 20, 2019
90-Day Appeal Period Started September 6, 2019
90-Day Appeal Period Ended December 5, 2019
Letter of Final Determination March 18, 2020
Maps and FIS become Effective September 18, 2020

For more information contact:

Rebecca Rein

State of Alaska Risk MAP Coordinator
Division of Community and Regional Affairs
Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1650, Anchorage, AK 99501-3569
Phone (907) 269-3037
Fax (907) 269-4539

Revised 12/04/2024