DCRA-ARPA Local Government Lost Revenue (LGLR) Relief Program The Alaska legislature appropriated $50 million from the State’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) COVID State and Local Fiscal Recovery funds toward a local government relief grant program to promote economic recovery and continuity of government services to local governments that experienced revenue loss due to COVID-19, to be administered by the State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development, Division of Community and Regional Affairs. The application period for the DCRA - ARPA Local Government Lost Revenue Relief Program is now CLOSED! ARPAStory Map Final Award In fall of 2021 a division team developed program parameters which became the basis for the notice of funding opportunity, handbook and application, including a definition of “significant revenue loss.” After examining the legislative record and intent, the threshold of significant loss was put at 10 percent. That a municipality experienced a greater percentage loss, according to the formula, was also deemed significant. It was determined that if qualifying awards exceeded the $50 million appropriated, the award amounts would be calculated on a proportional basis, with higher percentages of award amounts going to municipalities that experienced higher loss percentages. The formula is a three-tiered calculation. Tier I includes applicants showing a calculated loss of greater than 50 percent, Tier II calculated loss of between 25 and 50 percent, and Tier III calculated loss of between 10 and 25 percent. Preliminary awards are based on 75 percent of calculated losses awarded to Tier I, 50 percent to Tier II, and 25 percent to Tier III. These amounts are then proportionally adjusted upward to total the available $50 million. Community Loss Total Award Hoonah $ 1,044,223.68 $ 810,420.05 Denali Borough $ 4,099,321.94 $ 3,181,476.12 Saxman $ 553,219.43 $ 429,352.57 Skagway $ 11,642,144.35 $ 9,035,446.54 Adak $ 889,874.15 $ 690,629.67 Selawik $ 420,057.00 $ 326,783.88 Napaskiak $ 129,986.00 $ 67,254.59 Sand Point $ 781,736.86 $ 404,469.68 Dillingham $ 5,385,248.92 $ 2,786,321.10 Atka $ 20,584.09 $ 10,650.18 Shungnak $ 42,858.74 $ 22,175.06 Gustavus $ 312,187.91 $ 161,525.64 Gambell $ 151,859.25 $ 78,571.79 Ketchikan GB $14,091,379.00 $ 7,290,861.99 Ouzinkie $ 77,340.96 $ 40,016.12 Lake and Pen $ 1,151,537.94 $ 595,804.30 Huslia $ 79,983.98 $ 41,383.61 Chevak $ 209,270.43 $ 108,276.26 Seward $ 3,491,342.49 $ 1,806,416.27 Mekoryuk $ 93,354.03 $ 48,301.26 Whittier $ 1,731,443.96 $ 447,923.48 Ketchikan $ 17,225,349.00 $ 4,456,187.09 Tanana $ 133,760.00 $ 34,603.63 Wrangell $ 1,815,949.54 $ 469,785.02 False Pass $ 348,176.13 $ 90,072.69 Fort Yukon $ 442,879.04 $ 114,572.53 Port Alexander $ 30,240.70 $ 7,823.25 Kodiak $ 7,444,699.00 $ 1,925,939.01 Cordova $ 2,576,370.00 $ 666,505.32 St. Paul $ 968,214.52 $ 250,476.49 Haines Borough $ 2,386,040.00 $ 617,267.07 Klawok $ 391,762.08 $ 101,348.61 Petersburg $ 5,531,102.00 $ 1,430,892.65 NW Artic Borough $ 7,436,990.00 $ 1,923,944.69 Akutan $ 547,033.26 $ 141,517.16 Juneau $ 35,800,081.00 $ 9,261,458.72 Galena $ 99,356.75 $ 25,703.53 McGrath $ 15,938.84 $ 4,123.37 King Cove $ 267,380.00 $ 69,171.04 Pelican $ 94,890.00 $ 24,547.98 Total $ 50,000,000.00 The application period opened November 5, 2021 and closed on December 6, 2021. Applications are no longer accepted. The DCRA-ARPA Lost Revenue Relief program is not a first-come, first, served grant opportunity. Eligibility Requirements: Alaska municipal governments are eligible for this program. Non-profits, community associations, tribes, school districts, and other non-governmental entities are not eligible for this funding. Local governments must demonstrate at least a 10% revenue loss in 2020 revenue according to DCRA’s formula-based calculation tool. Must be eligible to receive federal funding. Must have a DUNS number. For guidance on how to obtain and/or manage a DUNS number, visit https://sam.gov/content/entity-information Eligibility does not guarantee funding. Grant Amounts: Award amounts will be determined based on qualifying revenue loss due to COVID-19 and the total amounts applied for. If qualifying awards exceed $50 million, the award amounts will be calculated on a proportional basis. Remaining funds, if any, will be distributed in a second round of funding based on the period January 1 through December 31, 2021. Allowable Use of Funds: Federal rules and guidelines give recipients broad latitude to use funds to the extent of reduction of revenue. These funds may be used for the provision of government services. Government services can include but are not limited to: Maintenance of infrastructure Pay-go spending for building new infrastructure (pay-go means financing expenditures with funds that are currently available rather than borrowed) including roads; modernization of cybersecurity; health services; environmental remediation; school or educational services; and provision of police, fire, and other public safety services The funds may NOT be used to: Pay interest or principal on outstanding debt Replenish rainy day or reserve funds Pay settlements or judgements Other expenditures not considered to be for the direct provision of government services. Application Process: Review our DCRA-ARPA Local Government Lost Revenue Relief Program Handbook and Grant Application Instructions. The Division of Community and Regional Affairs is the administrator for the DCRA-ARPA Local Government Lost Revenue Relief Program. For questions or assistance with your application, you can contact DCRA.LGLR@alaska.gov Local governments have a month-long window to apply, and grants will be issued based on the demonstrated revenue loss from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, the first point in time revenue loss may be calculated in accordance with US Treasury guidance on use of ARPA funds for revenue loss. Detailed guidance is available in DCRA’s Application Handbook. Grants will not be awarded until the end of the application period after all applications have been reviewed. More information is available at Treasury’s Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Website Documents Notice of Funding Opportunity Application for ARPA - LGLR Relief program Handbook for ARPA - LGLR Relief program General Revenue QuickBooks Guide Loss Calculation Tool ARPA - LGLR Relief program (xlsx) Draft Resolution ARPA - LGLR Relief program FAQ Q: Why does the initial application period only cover revenue losses from calendar year 2020? A: Treasury’s Interim Guidance sets four points in time that revenue loss can be calculated, starting with the period from January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020. A first round of funding, with up to $50 million awarded, will be based on revenue loss calculated for this period. Q: Why is 10% the threshold for lost revenue? A: Legislative intent identifies “significant revenue loss” to local governments as a 10% or greater loss in revenue. Q: How is lost revenue calculated? A: Based on the federal formula in the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Frequently Asked Questions at SLFRPFAQ.pdf (treasury.gov) used in DCRA's lost revenue calculation tool for local governments. A reduction in a recipient’s General Revenue equals: Where: Base Year Revenue is General Revenue collected in the most recent full fiscal year prior to the COVD-19 public health emergency. Growth Adjustment is equal to the greater of 4.1 percent (or 0.041) and the recipient’s average annual revenue growth over the three full fiscal years prior to the COVID-19 public health emergency. n equals the number of months elapsed from the end of the base year to the calculation date. Actual General Revenue is a recipient’s actual general revenue collected during 12-month period ending on each calculation date. (Subscript t denotes the calculation date.) Q: How will the application process work for this program? A: See "Application Process" above. Q: What is the maximum grant amount a local government may be eligible for? A: See "Application Process" and "Grant Amounts" above. Q: Is there a way to request an exception to the eligibility requirements? A: No. A local government must meet all eligibility requirement in order to be eligible for the program. See "Eligibility" above for more details. Q: If I'm an entity that is not eligible, will another program launch that I can apply for? A: The Legislature, through House Bill 69 appropriated the following amounts in DCCED administered grant programs: $20M for Non-Profits $7M for delinquent payments to electric utilities Q: Why is there only $50 million allocated to this program? A: This is the amount the Alaska Legislature appropriated to this program in HB69 Q: Can a consultant help complete a local government's application? Is this acceptable? A: Yes, provided the governing body passes a resolution authorizing participation in this program. Q: I need help completing my DCRA-ARPA Local Government Relief Grant Application. What do I do? A: Resources to consider include, Your municipal bookkeeper or accountant DCRA contact, Robert Pearson @ DCRA.LGLR@alaska.gov Your Local Government Specialist If a member, contact the Alaska Municipal League Contact Division of Community and Regional Affairs Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Location: Fairbanks Email: DCRA.LGLR@alaska.gov Revised 07/22/2024