Grants Administration Community Development Block Grant - Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) – 2018 Cook Inlet Earthquake FEMA Disaster #4413 HUD-identified "most impacted and distressed" area: Municipality of Anchorage State-identified "most impacted and distressed" areas: Matanuska-Sustina Borough Kenai Peninsula Borough The Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development works to rebuild Alaskan communities by putting Alaskans back in their homes, restoring critical infrastructure and mitigating future damage through resilient community planning. The Division of Community and Regional Affairs is the lead agency for administering the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds on behalf of the state of Alaska. This disaster impacted more than 60 percent of the state’s population living in the Municipality of Anchorage, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and the Kenai Peninsula Borough. On January 6, 2021, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocated $2,288,000 in Community Development Block - Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funds to the State of Alaska recovering from the 2018 Cook Inlet Earthquake. Under this notice, HUD allocated a minimum of $1,144,000 (50%) to be expended within the Municipality of Anchorage, and the remaining $1,144,000 (50%) to be expended within the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and the Kenai Peninsula Borough. CDBG–MIT funds represent a unique and significant opportunity for the State of Alaska to use this assistance in areas impacted by the 2018 Cook Inlet Earthquake to carry out strategic and high-impact activities to mitigate disaster risks and reduce future losses. While it is impossible to eliminate all risks, CDBG–MIT funds will enable the State of Alaska to mitigate against disaster risks, while at the same time allowing the State of Alaska the opportunity to transform State and local planning. HUD seeks to: Support data-informed investments in high-impact projects that will reduce risks attributable to natural disasters, with particular focus on repetitive loss of property and critical infrastructure. Build the capacity of States and local governments to comprehensively analyze disaster risks and to update hazard mitigation plans through the use of data and meaningful community engagement; Support the adoption of policies that reflect local and regional priorities that will have long-lasting effects on community risk reduction, to include the risk reduction to community lifelines such as Safety and Security, Communications, Food, Water, Sheltering, Transportation, Health and Medical, Hazardous Material (management) and Energy (Power & Fuel); and future disaster costs (e.g., adoption of forward-looking land use plans that integrate the hazard mitigation plan, latest edition of the published disaster-resistant building codes and standards (to include wildland urban interface, flood and all hazards, ASCE–24, and ASCE–7 respectively), vertical flood elevation protection, and policies that encourage hazard insurance for private and public facilities); and Maximize the impact of available funds by encouraging leverage, private-public partnerships, and coordination with other Federal programs. The alignment of CDBG–MIT funds with other federal mitigation programs must also occur within the basic CDBG framework. The national objectives of the CDBG program are: (a) Providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons; (b) preventing or eliminating slum and blighting conditions; or (c) addressing a severe and recently arising urgent community welfare or health need. Unlike other forms of Federal disaster recovery assistance, CDBG–DR and CDBG–MIT grants have a statutory focus on benefiting vulnerable lower-income people and communities and targeting the most impacted and distressed area, which HUD designated as the Municipality of Anchorage. Resilience Planning and Practices Planning is essential to ensure Alaskan communities, residents and businesses are prepared for future disasters. Hazard Mitigation Planning activities help local leadership and the public decide how to allocate funds for housing and infrastructure that is more resilient and reduces the risk of death, property damage, and suffering from natural disasters. Community Development Block Grant- Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funds may also be used on physical housing and infrastructure projects. A range of activities are eligible to be funded by CDBG-MIT Funds. The State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED) is collecting input on which activities could do the most to decrease risk and benefit the most people. Resilience Planning: Uses hazard risk assessment to identify where floods, seismic activity, tsunamis, and landslides can cause harm to residents. It determines places where new housing will be safer, but where people will still be connected to transportation, schools, grocery stores and houses of worship. With lots of people looking for temporary and permanent housing, there is a shortage of safe, affordable housing in areas affected by disasters. Resilience planning helps to ensure housing and infrastructure are safe for the next generation and beyond. Watershed Management: Brings together communities that are connected by a river or stream to balance the effects of disasters and helps people work together to understand and manage flooding, seismic activity, and other risks. Natural Flood Protection: Includes strategies like creating constructed wetlands for floodwater storage and restoration of vegetated buffers as well as agricultural practices such as no-till or cover-crop plantings. Learning Tools of the Trade: Includes training and learning from local government officials, businesses or nonprofit organizations to help communities be more prepared and safer from disasters. Home Retrofits: Includes updates and fortifications to homes and individual residences that reduce risks during earthquakes. Retrofits can also include improvements to reduce risk of wildfire events. Community Rating System Grant: Helps communities preserve open space to reduce disaster risk. These and similar actions can help communities qualify for insurance discounts through the federal government’s Community Rating System Program. Public Notices CDBG MIT Public Hearing Video 8/22/2022 CDBG-MIT Action Plan Development and Risk Assessment Video - November 14, 2022 Public Hearing CDBG-MIT Citizen Participation Plan State of Alaska CDBG-MIT Citizen Participation Plan Version El Estado De Alaska CDBG-Mitigación Plan De Participación Ciudadana CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT Language Access Plan State of Alaska CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT Language Access Plan El Estado de Alaska Recuperación del desastre de CDBG & y Plan de acceso linguístico de mitigación de CDBG CDBG-MIT Action Plan and Substantial Amendments Alaska CDBG-MIT Action Plan (final) Estado de Alaska Subvención en bloque para el desarrollo de la comunidad Plan de acción de mitigación (Traducción al español Pendiente) Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting (DRGR) Action Plan and Quarterly Performance Reports To be published at a future date. Related Documents HUD Accessibility Requirements for Buildings Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation Action Plan Development and Risk Assessment Overview Powerpoint(pptx) - 8/22/2022 Elaboración de un plan de acción de mitigación y evaluación de riesgos (CDBG-MIT, por sus siglas en inglés) (Spanish) PowerPoint (pptx) - 8/22/2022 CDBG-MITIGATION Action Plan Development and Risk Assessment Overview (PPT) - 11/14/2022 Elaboración de un plan de acción de mitigación y evaluación de riesgos (CDBG-MIT, por sus siglas en inglés) - 11/14/2022 Climate Informed Science Approach Related Applicable Laws and Regulations Federal Register :: Allocations, Common Application, Waivers, and Alternative Requirements for Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Grantees FR-6109-N-04 dated January 27, 2020 HUD Community Resilient Toolkit Federal Register :: Allocations, Common Application, Waivers, and Alternative Requirements for Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Grantees; Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Allocation CPD-2023-06, August 24, 2024 SUBJECT: Allocating Costs between Program Administration Costs, Activity Delivery Costs, and Planning Costs for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Grantees, Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Grantees Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (114 Stat. 1552 Public Law 106–390—OCT. 30, 2000) Stafford Act Procurement Policies Procurement Academy, Office of Procurement and Property Management, State of Alaska Solicitations and Contracts Tidal Basin Amendment 2 to extend contract to 6/30/2025 Tidal Basin Amendment 1 to extend contract to 6/30/2024 Professional Services Agreement - 22000047 Internal Auditing And Program Monitoring For The CDBG-DR AND CDBG-MIT Programs RFP 220000007 DCRA IRFP 220000125 CONTRACT ICF $80,136 Public Notice IRFP 220000125 IRFP 220000125 Amendment 1 Informal Requests For Proposals - IRFP 220000125Issued Monday, May 9, 2022 Confidential Citizen Complaints may be filed at: or in writing on a complaint form, mailed to Alaska Ombudsman1500 West Benson Blvd.,Anchorage, AK 99503 or via email to or by telephone at 907-269-5290 Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in HUD programs to: For more information about Alaska CDBG-MIT Grants contact Contact DCRA staff at Kevin Bartley Division of Community and Regional Affairs Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Location: Anchorage Phone: (907) 451-2721 Fax: (907) 451-2742 Anita Baker Division of Community and Regional Affairs Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Location: Anchorage Phone: (907) 269-4252 Revised 03/17/2025 Content Reviewed 03/17/2025 The State of Alaska, Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED), complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This publication is available in alternative communication formats upon request. Please contact the DCRA Publication Specialist at 1-907-269-4560