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Free QuickBooks tech support for RUBA rural utilities

Turnagain Press is contracted by the State of Alaska Division of Community and Regional Affairs through RUBA funding to provide QuickBooks support to rural municipal and tribal governments at no charge. Pati, Joanna, or Kristian at Turnagain Press are available via the Helpline (907-440-0242 or on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Turnagain Press has been teaching and training city and tribal government officials how to use QuickBooks since 1996. Pati and Joanna have traveled with LGS staff and solo to many rural Alaska communities to provide on-site financial technical assistance. They encourage clerks, bookkeepers, and finance directors to call with any QuickBooks questions. They are now using ZOOM to “remote-in” and review a city or tribe’s QuickBooks file and then provide real-time assistance by teaching clerks and bookkeepers how to fix errors and resolve their payroll and reconciliation problems.

Pati Crofut
Kristian Dahl
Joanna Knapp

Having Problems with QuickBooks?
Having Problems with Payroll Tax Liabilities?

The QuickBooks Help Line is open three days a week by calling (907) 440-0242.

Help Line Hours:
Monday: 10am to 3pm
Tuesday: 10am to 3pm
Thursday: 10am to 3pm

QuickBooks for Rural Utilities Training

Course Overview

The course builds the skills and knowledge needed for QuickBooks accounting management of a small water and wastewater utility in rural Alaska. The instructors present eight sessions with topics that include accounting basics, working with the chart of accounts, working with classes, the safe, receiving money, paying bills and writing checks, setting up and processing payroll, serving customers, reconciling bank accounts, common reports, credit cards, and protecting data. See “Course Content” below for details within each lesson.

The course is 24 hours long and can be taught online using a learning management system or in person at one of our office locations. If the course is taught in person travel scholarships are available for those who successfully complete the class.

Who Should Take the Course?

Municipal clerks, utility clerks, treasurers, bookkeepers, managers, administrators, chiefs, mayors, and council members who are involved in the managerial and financial operations of the utility. In the RUBA program’s partnership with the Department of Environmental Conservation, water and wastewater operators can earn 3.2 core continuing education units (CEUs).

View the QuickBooks for Rural Utilities


Upcomming Trainings

DCRA Training Calendar

Reference Documents

Revised 03/03/2025