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Alaska State Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

Proposed Changes to Bylaws

The AELS board is proposing changes to its bylaws and will be voting to approve the changes during the November 13-14th board meeting. One of the added changes is the provision for how the board is allowed to make changes to its bylaws which says "These By-laws may be adopted, amended or repealed by a majority of the Board members. This action is authorized only at a properly noticed and conducted meeting of the Board. Proposed text for By-laws actions must be available to Board members and the public at least 21 days in advance of the meeting where a vote will be taken." Please read through the proposed changes noting that additions are bolded and underlined and deletions have strike-through formatting. Email if you have any comments or concerns you would like the board to consider during the November board meeting.
Proposed AELS Bylaws

New Continuing Education Regulations

The new continuing education regulations go into effect on October 15, 2023. To read the new regulations, please click on the the link in the Public Notice below. Click here to read the FAQ's.

2024 AELS Newsletter

This issue includes a message from the chair, tips from the board, how to get involved with the board, and much, much more.

2024 AELS Newsletter

Click here to see the Professions Regulated by the Board

License Search

Please click here to search for existing AELS registrants.

AELS Board Listserv Now Available!

Subscribe to the AELS Board electronic mailing list and receive:

  • News/Information from the Board
  • Meeting Notifications
  • Board Meeting Agendas
  • Notice of Proposed Changes to Regulations

You may cancel your subscription at any time. You are subscribing to a group email for informal communications.

Subscribe Now

Contact Information

Phone: (907) 465-2550
Email: AELSboard@Alaska.Gov

Mailing Address for USPS:

State of Alaska/DCCED
Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing
AELS Board
P.O. Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811-0806

Mailing Address for all other carriers:

State of Alaska/DCCED
Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing
AELS Board
333 Willoughby Ave. 9th Floor
Juneau, AK 99811-0806