Board of Barbers and Hairdressers Hard Copy License Certificates Discontinued The division has expanded our online services to allow licensees to download their own license certificates on demand. As a result, the division no longer mails hardcopy license certificates. The certificates will be located under the “initial application” and “renewal” events in the MY LICENSE account. If you need guidance on how to set up or access your MY LICENSE account, you can access the MY LICENSE instructions here. Applications & Forms Individual Applications Initial Individual Applications Hairdresser or Esthetician Application #08-4193, Revised 05/02/2024 Includes application for temporary license. Barber and Non-Chemical Barber Application #08-4796, Revised 12/21/2022 Includes application for temporary license. Hair Braiding Application #08-4782, Revised 11/04/2022 Hairdressing Courtesy License #08-4697, Revised 11/04/2022 Manicurist with Advanced Endorsement Application #08-4433, Revised 12/21/2022 Manicurist Application #08-4728, Revised 11/04/2022 Instructor Application #08-4189, Revised 12/04/2023 Application for license as instructor by examination and by waiver of examination. For Barber, Non-Chemical Barber, Hairdresser, Esthetician, or Manicurist with Advanced Endorsement. Student and Apprentice Applications Student Enrollment Forms Student Enrollment Application #08-4192, Revised 09/14/2023 For Barbers, Non-Chemical Barbers, Hairdressers, Estheticians, Student Instructors, Manicurist Advanced Endorsement. Apprentice Enrollment Application #08-4194, Revised 09/14/2023 For Barbers, Non-Chemical Barbers, Hairdressers, and Estheticians. Includes initial application, re-enrollment, and transfer. Student Record for Manicuring (12 Hour Course) #08-4498, Revised 11/04/2022 Barber and Hairdresser Student Forms Barber/Hairdresser Student/Apprentice Quarterly Report Form Packet #08-4315, Revised 07/17/2024 Barber/Hairdresser Student Affidavit of Completed Training #08-4475, Revised 12/14/2022 Barber/Hairdresser Student Notice of Termination of Training #08-4195, Revised 12/14/2022 Non-Chemical Barber Student Forms Non-Chemical Barber Student/Apprentice Quarterly Report Form Packet #08-4798, Revised 07/17/2024 Non-Chemical Barber Affidavit of Completed Training #08-4799, Revised 12/14/2022 Non-Chemical Barber Student Notice of Termination of Training #08-4797, Revised 12/14/2022 Esthetician Student Forms Esthetician Student/Apprentice Quarterly Report Form Packet #08-4367, 07/17/2024 Esthetician Student Affidavit of Completed Training #08-4477, Revised 12/14/2022 Esthetician Student Notice of Termination of Training #08-4476, Revised 12/14/2022 Manicurist with Advanced Endorsement Student Forms Manicurist with Advanced Endorsement Student Quarterly Report Form Packet #08-4682, Revised 07/17/2024 Manicurist Endorsement Student Affidavit of Completed Training #08-4680, Revised 12/14/2022 Manicurist Endorsement Student Notice of Termination of Training #08-4681, Revised 12/14/2022 Student Instructor Forms Student-Instructor Quarterly Report Form Packet #08-4497, Revised 07/17/2024 Student Instructor Affidavit of Completed Training #08-4272, Revised 12/14/2022 Student Instructor Notice of Termination of Training #08-4199, Revised 12/14/2022 Tattooing, Permanent Cosmetic Coloring, and Body Piercing Applications Initial Tattooing, Permanent Cosmetic Coloring, and Body Piercing Applications Application for Body Piercing, Tattooing or Permanent Cosmetic Coloring #08-4464, Revised 10/20/2022 Courtesy License Application #08-4404, Revised 02/19/2025 A Courtesy license authorizes an individual to practice body piercing or tattooing and permanent cosmetic coloring as a guest practitioner in a shop licensed by the board. Trainee Application for Body Piercing, Tattooing or Permanent Cosmetic Coloring #08-4401, Revised 09/14/2023 Tattooing Apprentice Reporting Forms Tattoo Trainee Quarterly Report Form Packet #08-4802, Revised 07/17/2024 Completion of Student Training for Tattooing #08-4804, Revised 05/15/2024 Termination of Student Training for Tattooing #08-4803, Revised 12/14/2022 Permanent Cosmetic Coloring Apprentice Reporting Forms Permanent Cosmetic Coloring Quarterly Report Form Packet #08-4793, Revised 07/17/2024 Completion of Student Training for Permanent Cosmetic Coloring #08-4795, Revised 05/15/2024 Termination of Student Training for Permanent Cosmetic Coloring #08-4794, Revised 12/14/2022 Body Piercing Apprentice Applications Body Piercing Trainee Quarterly Report Form Packet #08-4556, Revised 07/17/2024 Certification of Completed Student Training for Body Piercing #08-4474, Revised 05/15/2024 Termination of Student Training for Body Piercing #08-4558, Revised 12/14/2022 State Approved Online Blood Borne Pathogen Courses Offered by the American Red Cross or an Equivalent Organization The Board has approved these ten online blood-borne pathogen courses: Information Aftercare Instructions and Educational Information For Tattooing and Permanent Cosmetic Coloring and Body Piercing #08-4339, Revised 06/05/2024 School and Shop Applications School and Shop Owner Applications Shop Owner Application #08-4191, Revised 11/04/2022 Individuals who own a shop performing one or more of the following services: hairdressing, barbering, esthetics, manicuring, body piercing, tattooing, and permanent cosmetic coloring. Visit the Division of Environmental Health's Food Safety and Sanitation Program website for useful sanitation information and resources for Tattoo and Piercing shops and Hair and Nails shops. Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations for Hair and Body Art Schools and Shops Food and beverage services are not regulated by this board. However, the board urges shops interested in this type of service to contact their local Municipality office, Alcohol & Marijuana Control Office/Board, and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Health, Division of Environmental Health, Food Safety and Sanitation Program, to ensure state and local laws regarding food and beverage services are met. Alcohol & Marijuana Control Office/Board Dept. of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Health, Division of Environmental Health, Food Safety and Sanitation Program Application for School License #08-4190, Revised 11/04/2022 Application for new school and branch. "Mobile Unit" Shop Owner Application #08-4462, Revised 11/04/2022 For hairdressing, barbering, esthetics or manicuring services. Temporary Shop License Application #08-4463, Revised 11/04/2022 For practitioners of Body Piercing or Tattooing and Permanent Cosmetic Coloring only. Change of Location Address for Shops Form #08-4546, Revised 11/04/2022 Change of Business Name for Shop Owner License Form #08-4547, Revised 11/04/2022 License Renewal Applications Barber, Non-Chemical Barber, Hairdresser, Hair Braider, or Esthetician License Renewal #08-4619, Revised 07/12/2023 Manicurist & Manicurist w/ Advanced Endorsement License Renewal #08-4274, Revised 07/12/2023 Tattooing, Body Piercing, or Permanent Cosmetic Coloring License Renewal #08-4811, Revised 07/12/2023 School Owner License Renewal #08-4152, Revised 07/12/2023 Instructor/Practitioner License Renewal #08-4156, Revised 07/12/2023 Shop Owner License Renewal #08-4157, Revised 07/12/2023 Miscellaneous Forms Authorization to Discuss and Share Information #08-4808, Revised 04/17/2019 Change of Location for Shops #08-4546, Revised 11/04/2022 Change of Business Name for Shops #08-4547, Revised 11/04/2022 Student Record for Manicuring (12 Hour Course) #08-4498, Revised 11/04/2022 Student Record for Hair Braiding (35 Hour Course) #08-4792, Revised 11/04/2022 How to Request a Verification of License #08-4222, Revised 01/28/2022 Division forms may be found in the CBPL Quick links, located in the sidebar to the right.