Regulatory Orders 2025 R25-02 Surplus Lines Placement List Code Number Corrections R25-01 Surplus Lines Placement List 2024 R24-03 Approval of the 2025 Workers’ Compensation Loss Cost and Assigned Risk Rate Filing R24-02 Alaska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association R24-01 Colorado Banker's Life Insurance Company 2023 R23-03 Moda Assurance Company R23-02 Alaska Timber Insurance, Inc. R23-01 The Federal Public Health Emergency and Medicare Supplement Guaranteed Issue Eligibility 2022 R22-04 Approval of the 2023 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing R22-03 Order Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage With a Nonadmitted Insurer R22-02 Order Suspending File and Use for Property and Casualty R22-01 Surplus Lines Placement List 2021 R21-06: Order Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage with a Nonadmitted Insurer R21-05: Order Authorizing Placement Of Workers' Compensation Coverage With A Nonadmitted Insurer R21-04: Order to Insurers Offering Health Care Plans to Remove Restrictions on Access to Health Care Services R21-03: Order Relating to COVID-19 Vaccinations and Treatments to Health Insurers offering Health Care Insurance policies in the state of Alaska R21-02: Order Extending Protections to Consumers During COVID-19 Public Health Disaster Emergency R21-01: Order to Health Insurers During Covid-19 Disaster Emergency 2020 R20-17: Order to Insurers Offering Health Care Plans to Remove Restrictions on Access to Health Care Services R20-16: Order Relating to COVID-19 Vaccinations and Treatments to Health Insurers offering Health Care Insurance policies in the state of Alaska R20-15: Order Extending Protections to Consumers During COVID-19 Public Health Disaster Emergency R20-14: Order to Health Insurers During Covid-19 Disaster Emergency R20-13: Order to Insurers Offering Health Care Plans to Remove Restrictions on Access to Health Care Services R20-12: Order Relating to COVID-19 Vaccinations and Treatments to Health Insurers offering Health Care Insurance policies in the State of Alaska R20-11: Order Extending Protections to Consumers During COVID-19 Public Health Disaster Emergency R20-10: Order to Health Insurers During COVID-19 Disaster Emergency R20-09: Approval With Modification Of The 2021 Workers’ Compensation Loss Cost Filing And Assigned Risk Rate Filing R20-08: Order Amending Regulatory Order R20-06 R20-07: Order Amending Regulatory Order R20-04 R20-06: Order to Insurers Offering Health Care Plans to Remove Restrictions on Access to Health Care Services R20-05: Order to Health Insurers During COVID-19 Disaster Emergency R20-04: Order Protecting Consumers During COVID-19 Public Health Disaster Emergency R20-03: Order Providing Premium Relief for Property and Casualty Insurers R20-02: Waiver of External Healthcare Review Deadlines R20-01: Surplus Lines Placement List 2019 R19-04: Approval with Modification of the 2020 Workers’ Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing R19-03: Order Exempting Air Ambulance Membership Agreements From the Filing Requirements of AS 21.42.120 R19-02: Order Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage with a Nonadmitted Insurer R19-01: Order Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage with a Nonadmitted Insurer 2018 R18-04: NCCI Loss Cost Filing Approval Order R18-03: Order Adopting Protection Provided by the Alaska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Notice of Protection Provided by the Alaska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association R18-02 Order Authorizing Placement of Workers Compensation Coverage with a Nonadmitted Insurer R18-01 Order Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage with a Nonadmitted Insurer 2017 R17-10 Surplus Lines Placement List R17-09 Approval with Modification of the 2018 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing R17-08 Order Requiring Use of NAIC OPTins for Submitting Insurance Quarterly Reports and Payments Under AS 21.34.080, 21.34.170, 21.34.180 and 21.34.190 R17-07 Order Modifying the Rate Filing Requirements for Certain Types of Property & Casualty Rating Plans R17-06 Order Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage with a Nonadmitted Insurer R17-05 Order Requiring Use of NAIC OPTins for Submitting Insurance Premium Tax Reports and Payments R17-04 Order Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage with a Nonadmitted Insurer R17-03 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to Insolvency of Penn Treaty Network America Insurance Company R17-02 Surplus Lines Placement List Code Number Corrections R17-01 Order Providing Blanket Affirmative Approval of Single Employer Groups, Labor Union Groups, and Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement Groups Under AS 21.48.010(f) 2016 R16-05 Surplus Lines Placement List R16-04 Approval with Modification of the 2017 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing R16-03 Order Exempting Multiple Filings By Property and Casualty Insurers When the Same Change is Being Proposed For More Than One Type of Insurance R16-02 Order Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage With a Nonadmitted Insurer R16-01 Surplus Lines Placement List 2015 Order R15-07 Approval of the 2016 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R15-06 Order Exempting Multiple Filings by Property and Casualty Insurers When the Same Change is Being Proposed for More Than One Type of Insurance Order R15-05 Surplus Lines Placement List Order R15-04 Order Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage with a Nonadmitted Insurer Order R15-03 Use Of Electronic Transactions and Communications for Conducting the Business of Insurance Order R15-02 Surplus Lines Placement List Order R15-01 Order Exempting Multiple Filings by Property and Casualty Insurers When the Same Change is Being Proposed for More Than One Type of Insurance 2014 Order R14-06 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R14-05 Approval With Modification of the 2015 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R14-04 Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage With a Nonadmitted Insurer Order R14-03 Authorizing Placement of Workers' Compensation Coverage With a Nonadmitted Insurer Order R14-02 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R14-01 Surplus Lines Placement List 2013 Order R13-05 Electronic Transmission of Bulletins, Notices, and Orders Order R13-04 Approval with Modifications of the 2014 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R13-02 Order Refusing Demand for Hearing Order R13-01 As Amended Order Exempting Out-Of-State Single Employer Insurance Policy Documents From The Filing Requirements Of As 21.42.120 2012 Order R12-07 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R12-06 Surplus Lines Placement List Order R12-05 Approval with Modification of the 2013 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R12-04 Order Requiring Payment of Assessment and Levying Penalty Under AS 21.55.220 Against the Insurance Company Listed Within This Order for Failure to Pay the August 15, 2012 Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Assessment Order R12-03 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Platte River Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.270 and AS 21.24.130 Order R12-02 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to the Executive Life Insurance Company of New York Insolvency Order R12-01 Order Releasing Bond of Affinity Road & Travel Club, Inc. Held Under AS 21.59.030 or 21.59.050 2011 Order R11-06 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R11-05 Approval With Modifications of The 2012 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R11-04 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List Order R11-03 Order Adopting Notice of Protection Provided by Alaska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Notice of Protection Provided by Alaska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Order R11-02 Order Refusing Demand for Hearing Order R11-01 Effective Date of Revised Protection Classification for Kasilof, Alaska 2010 Order R10-09 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R10-08 Approval with Modification of the 2011 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R10-07 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List Order R10-06 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Stonington Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.270 and AS 21.24.130 Order R10-05 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Timber Products Manufacturers Trust Held Under AS 21.85.030 Order R10-04 Order Repealing Regulatory Order 83-1 Regarding Exemption Standards for Life and Disability Forms Order R10-02 Waiving Certain License Application Requirements for Nonresidents to Achieve Reciprocity Under P.L.106-102 (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) Order R10-01 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List 2009 Order R09-06 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R09-05 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of ACA Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.090 and AS 21.24.130 Order R09-04 Approval of the 2010 Workers’ Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R09-03 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Cascade National Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.090 Order R09-02 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of ACA Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.090 and AS 21.24.130 Order R09-01 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Plaza Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.270 and AS 21.24.130 2008 Order R08-14 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R08-13 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List Order R08-12 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of British Marine Luxembourg S.A. Held Under AS 21.24.130 and AS 21.34.040 Order R08-11 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Sun Surety Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.090 and AS 21.24.130 Order R08-10 Approval with Modifications of the 2009 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R08-09 Withdrawal of Approval of Horace Mann Insurance Company and Teachers Insurance Company Personal Automobile Uninsured Motor Vehicle Definition Order R08-08 Order Allowing the NAIC Online Premium Tax for Insurance (OPTins) System for Submission of Premium Tax Forms and Payments Order R08-07 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Significa Insurance Group, Inc. Held Under AS 21.09.270 and AS 21.24.130 Order R08-06 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Munich American Reins Company Held Under AS 21.09.270 and AS 21.24.130 Order R08-05 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of American International Specialty Lines Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.090 and AS 21.24.130 Order R08-04 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Williamsburg National Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.270 and AS 21.24.130 Order R08-03 Order Regarding the Creation of an Alaska State Special Workers’ Compensation Classification Code Order R08-02 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Mapfre Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.270 and AS 21.24.130 Order R08-01 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Darwin National Assurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.270 and AS 21.24.130 2007 Order R07-09 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R07-08 Approval with Modifications of the 2008 Workers’ Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R07-07 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List Order R07-06 Determination of Impairment by the Division of Insurance of the Alaska State Medical Association Health Care Plan Order R07-05 Withdrawal of Aegis Security Insurance Company Bail Bond Agreement Order R07-04 Withdrawal of Allegheny Casualty Company Bail Bond Agreement Order R07-03 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska Corporation Held Under AS 21.09.090 and AS 21.24 Order R07-02 Minimum benefit limits for coverage for treatment of alcohol and drug abuse Order R07-01 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Pacific Benefits Trust Healthy Plans for Grocers Held Under AS 21.85.030 2006 Order R06-10 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R06-09 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List Order R06-06 Approval with Modifications of the 2007 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R06-05 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Travelers Indemnity Company of America Held Under AS 21.09.270 and 21.24.130 Order R06-04 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Peak Property and Casualty Insurance Corporation Held Under AS 21.09.270 and AS 21.24 Order R06-02 Order Releasing Deposited Assets of Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company Held Under AS 21.09.270 and 21.24.130 2005 Order R05-06 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R05-05 Order Levying Penalty Against Euler American Credit Indemnity Company for Failure to Timely File a Notification of Change of Name Order R05-04 Order requiring payment of assessment and levying penalty under AS 21.55.220 against insurance companies listed within this Order for failure to pay the August 8, 2005 Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Assessment Order R05-03 Surplus Lines Placement List (Replaced by R06-09) Placement List Order R05-02 Approval With Modifications of 2006 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R05-01 Order Requiring All Third party Administrators Transacting Business in Alaska to Submit Specific Information to the Director by March 1, 2005 2004 Order R04-13 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R04-12 Order Requiring Payment of Assessment and Levying Penalty Under AS 21.55.220 Against Insurance Companies Listed Within This Order for Failure to Pay the September 23, 2004 Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Assessment Order R04-11 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List Order R04-10 Approval With Modifications of 2005 Workers' Compensation Loss Cost Filing and Assigned Risk Rate Filing Order R04-09 Order Allowing Persons to File License Applications by Electronic Means Order R04-08 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to London Pacific Life & Annuity Company Insolvency Order R04-07 Minimum Benefit Limits for Coverage for Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Order R04-06 Order Requiring Payment of Assessment and Levying Penalty Under AS 21.55.220 Against Insurance Companies Listed Within This Order for Failure to Pay the May 6, 2004 Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Assessment Order R04-05 Order Granting Extension to ARECA Insurance Exchange to File a Complete Annual Audit Report by July 21, 2004 Order R04-04 Order Levying Penalty Against ARECA Insurance Exchange for Failure to File a Complete Annual Statement by the March 1, 2004 Due Date Order R04-01 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List 2003 Order R03-13 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R03-12 Order Requiring Payment of Assessment and Levying Penalty Under AS 21.55.220 Against Insurance ompanies Listed Within This Order for Failure to Pay the August 12, 2003 Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Assessment Order R03-11 Order Requiring Submission of Company Appointments and Terminations Exclusively by Electronic Means Order R03-10 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to the Legion Insurance Company Insolvency Order R03-09 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to the Villanova Insurance Company Insolvency Order R03-08 Order on Hearing Regarding Allstate Insurance Group Earthquake Rates Rate Filing ADOI #49968 Order R03-07 Premera Blue Cross Conversion Director's Orders Addendum to R03-06 Order R03-06 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List Order R03-05 Order Exempting the Phoenix Companies, Inc. from the Filing Requirements of AS 21.22.010 for the Change of Control of AGL Life Assurance Company Order R03-04 Order Requiring Payment of Assessment and Levying Penalty Under AS 21.55.220 Against Insurance Companies Listed within this Order for Failure to Pay the January 15, 2003 Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Assessment Order R03-03 Waiving Certain License Application Requirements for Nonresidents to Achieve Reciprocity Order R03-02 Order Denying Request by American International Group, Inc. on Behalf of American International Specialty Lines Insurance Company for Extension for Filing of Information Under 3 AAC 21.030 Order R03-01 Order Requiring Payment of Late Payment Fee Under AS 21.02.210 Against the Medical Protective Company for Late Payment of the September 3, 2002 Estimated Tax 2002 Order R02-12 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R02-11 Further Order Regarding Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Servicing Carriers Order R02-09 Temporary Modification of Rate and Form filing Requirements to Expedite Implementation of Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 Order R02-08 Withdrawal of Approval of Terrorism Exclusion Filings Approved Terrorism Exclusion Endorsements Order R02-07 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List Order R02-06 Order Regarding Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Servicing Carriers Order R02-03 Order Levying Penalty Under AS 21.09.200(e) Against Areca Insurance Exchange for Failure to File a Complete Annual Statement and Other Required Information by the March 1, 2002 and April 1, 2002 Due Dates Order R02-02 Minimum Benefit Limits for Coverage for Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Order R02-01 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List 2001 Order R01-11 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R01-10 Director's Approval of ALHIGA'S Response to the Reliance Insurance Company Insolvency Order R01-06 Order Granting Conditioned Approval Under AS 21.90.070(f) for Sunderland Marine Mutual Insurance Co., Ltd., US Branch 2000 Order R00-13 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R00-12 Surplus Lines Placement List Placement List Order R00-11 Order Requiring Payment of Assessment Order R00-10 Decision Rejecting Excluded Driver Rates Rules Order R00-09 Directive Regarding Workers Compensation Insurance Plan Servicing Carrier Contract Order R00-08 Confidentiality of Documents Regarding The Race Based Premium Investigations Order R00-07 Confidentiality of Documents Regarding The Examination of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Order R00-06 Director's Approval of ALHIGA'S Response To The American Chambers Life Insurance Company Insolvency Order R00-05 Order Requiring Payment of Assessment And Levying Penalty Under As 21.55.220 Against American Family Life Assurance Company For Failure To Pay The November 15, 1999 Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Assessment Order R00-04 Premera Blue Cross Order Granting Stay Pursuant To As 21.06.190 Order R00-03 Premera Blue Cross Amending R00-02 Order R00-02 Premera Blue Cross Order Imposing Retaliation Order R00-01 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to the International Financial Services Life Insurance Company Insolvency 1999 Order R99-08 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R99-07 In the Matter of Confidentiality of Survey Responses and Archive of Data Systems Order R99-06 Surplus Lines Placement List Order R99-05 Denying Refund Claims Order R99-04 Minimum Benefit Limits for Coverage for Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Order R99-03 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to the Universe Life Insurance Company Insolvency Order R99-02 Order Granting Merger Under AS 21.69.590 and Exemption From Form A Statement Filing Under AS 21.22.010(G)(2) Order R99-01 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions 1998 Order R98-10 Surplus Lines Placement List Order R98-09 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Settlement Agreement with the State of Alaska Order R98-08 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to American Standard Life Insurance Company Insolvency Order R98-07 Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance Order R98-06 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to Centennial Life Insurance Company Insolvency Order R98-05 Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with Schedule and Individual Risk Rating Plans Order R98-04 Director's Approval of ALHIGA's Response to American Western Life Insolvency Order R98-03 Withdrawal of Approval of Forms BCM-5000-AK, BCM-5200-AK, BCM-5500-AK, and BCM-5600-AK Previously Approved for Use by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska Order R98-02 Adoption of Risk Based Capital Instructions Order R98-01 Surplus Lines Placement List 1997 Order R97-06 Amending Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with Rate and Rating Plan Filings Order R97-05 Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance, Dealing with Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Senior Discounts Order R97-04 Adopting, Amending, and Repealing Regulations of the Division of Insurance Order R97-03 Withdrawal of Approval of Industrial Indemnity Three-year Policy Plan Endorsement Order R97-02 Rating of Homeowners Insurance and Property Insurance Using a Public Fire Protection Classification System Order R97-01 Surplus Lines Placement List 1996 Order R96-11 Amending and Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with the Workers' Compensation Assigned Risk Pool Order R96-10 Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with Continuing Education Requirements for Alaska Insurance Licensees Order R96-08 Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with Actuarial Opinions and Memoranda Order R96-07 Continuing Education; Hearing: 05/22/96 (See R96-10) Order R96-06 Alaska Automobile Insurance Plan Order R96-05 Withdrawal of Approval for Rate and Rule Filing #13353 Order R96-04 Amending and Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance, Dealing with the Workers' Compensation Assigned Risk Pool and the Establishment of a Workers' Compensation Review and Advisory Committee Order R96-03 Adopting or Repealing Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with Coverage for Attorney Fees Taxable as Costs Against an Insured According to Alaska Rule of Civil Procedure 82 Order R96-01 Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with Medicare Supplement Insurance 1995 Order R95-04 Withdrawal of Approval of American Skandia Life Assurance Corporation's Exchange Program for Annuities Order R95-03 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order Approving Assumption Agreement Order R95-02 Withdrawal of Approval of the National Council on Compensation Insurance Short Rate Table Order R95-01 Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with a Uniform Claim Form for Health Insurance 1994 Order R94-12 Surplus Lines Placement Lists Order R94-11 Group Marketing Regulation Order R94-10 Adopting Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with Reinsurance Credit Allowed a Domestic Ceding Insurer Order R94-09 Adopting or Amending Regulations of the Division of Insurance Dealing with Investments by Insurers in Subsidiaries and Forms Necessary to be Filed by Insurance Holding Companies Order R94-08 Order to Withdraw Approval of ISO Rates Order R94-07 Order to Withdraw Approval of SAA Rates Order R94-06 Rate and Form File Procedures & Medicare Supplement Regulation Order R94-05 Recision of Order regarding Confidentiality of Rate Filing Formula 7 Date of Blue Cross of WA/AK Order R94-04 Premium Finance & Trust Account Reg Order R94-03 Regulation Surplus Lines Due Diligence Order R94-02 Notice of Proposals Regarding (a) Rates Order R94-01 Withdraw Approval of ISO Rate Fillings 1993 Order R93-12 Stewart Title Agency/Rates (See H93-07) Order R93-11 Attorney-in-Fact Fee Regulation Order R93-10 Insurer Fee Regulation Order R93-09 Amendment to Surplus Lines Placement List (See H93-06) Order R93-08 Clarification of Blue Cross of WA & AK Rate Filing Order Order R93-07 License Renewal and Lapse Regulation Order R93-06 Prospective Loss Costs Regulation Amendment Order R93-05 Prior Insurance Auto Rating (See H93-05) Order R93-04 Minimum Benefits Limit Order R93-03 Credit Life & Disability Regulations Order R93-02 Medicare Supplement Order R93-01 Impaired Finance 1992 Order R92-14 Amendment to Title Insurance Rates (See H92-02 and N92-04) Order R92-13 Amendment to Surplus License Placement List (See H92-03) Order R92-12 Risk Retention and Purchasing Group Order R92-11 Surplus Lines Placement List Order R92-10 Licensing Repealers Order R92-09 Standards and Director Authority for Companies Deemed to Be Order R92-08 Holding Companies Order R92-07 Life Reinsurance Agreement Order R92-06 Record Retention Requirements Order R92-05 Bail Bonds Order R92-04 Fee Regulation Order R92-03 Medicare Supplement Order R92-02 WC Premium Installment Payments/Phase 2 Order R92-01 Title Ins Collections and Activities